Navigating to the OpenShift AI dashboard

  1. How you open the OpenShift AI dashboard depends on your OpenShift environment:

    • If you are using the Red Hat Developer Sandbox:

      After you log in to the Sandbox, click Getting StartedAvailable services, and then, in the Red Hat OpenShift AI card, click Launch.

      OpenShift AI dashboard link
    • If you are using your own OpenShift cluster:

      1. After you log in to the OpenShift console, click the application launcher icon on the header.

        OpenShift AI dashboard link
      2. When prompted, log in to the OpenShift AI dashboard by using your OpenShift credentials. OpenShift AI uses the same credentials as OpenShift for the dashboard, notebooks, and all other components.

        OpenShift login

The OpenShift AI dashboard shows the Home page.

You can navigate back to the OpenShift console by clicking the application launcher to access the OpenShift console.
OCP console link

For now, stay in the OpenShift AI dashboard.