Deploying a model on a single-model server

OpenShift AI single-model servers host only one model. You create a new model server and deploy your model to it.

  • A user with admin privileges has enabled the single-model serving platform on your OpenShift cluster.

  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, navigate to the project details page and click the Models tab.

  2. In the Single-model serving platform tile, click Deploy model.

  3. In the form, provide the following values:

    1. For Model Name, type fraud.

    2. For Serving runtime, select OpenVINO Model Server.

    3. For Model framework, select onnx-1.

    4. For Existing data connection, select My Storage.

    5. Type the path that leads to the version folder that contains your model file: models/fraud

    6. Leave the other fields with the default settings.

      Deploy model from for single-model serving
  4. Click Deploy.


Wait for the model to deploy and for the Status to show a green checkmark.

Deployed model status