Pipeline for processing claims

What will the pipeline do?

Now that we have the web app deployed, we can see that some claims are unprocessed yet. Of course, we want to execute this processing, and it’s even better if it can be fully automated!

For that, we will use a pipeline that can either be run ad-hoc or scheduled just like, the sanity check pipeline.

This pipeline is also a good starting point for creating an ArgoCD or Tekton pipeline which can be automatically triggered.

What’s inside the pipeline?

If you navigate to insurance-claim-processing/lab-materials/05/05-05 you can see a variety of files.

This time, we will use the yaml definition of a pipeline, process_claims.yaml, to process the claims.

Here are the main files of the pipeline and what they do:

  • get_claims - Will connect to the database, fetch any unprocessed claims, and add them to a list that will be passed to the other tasks through a file: claims.json.

  • The following scripts will go through all the claims that need to be processed, and use the full body of the text to try and find some important feature, then push the results to the database:

    • get_location - Finds the location of the accident.

    • get_accident_time - Finds the time of the accident.

    • summarize_text - Makes a short summary of the text.

    • get_sentiment - Gets the sentiment of the text.

  • detect_objects - Downloads the images of the claim and uses the served object-detection model to classify the damages in the image.

In the folder, we still have for reference an Elyra version of the pipeline (process_claims.pipeline), but you cannot really use it from VSCode, which is the environment you should still be in.

Create a new PVC

Before we can run the pipeline, we need to create a PVC that will be used to store intermediary files and results in.
Go to the OpenShift Console and navigate to Storage → PersistentVolumeClaims.

go to PVC

Make sure you are in the right project (your username) and then press Create PersistentVolumeClaim.

Create PVC
  • Use these settings:

    • StorageClass:

    • PersistentVolumeClaim name:

    • Access mode:

      Shared access (RWX)
    • Size:

      1 GiB
PVC settings

Then press Create.

Run the pipeline

To run the pipeline, start by downloading the process_claims.yaml file locally.
Then go to your Data Science project and press Import Pipeline.

import pipeline

Now upload process_claims.yaml file, either by drag-and-dropping or using the Upload button. Then make sure to give your pipeline a good name like Process Claims Pipeline.
It should look something like this afterwards:

imported pipeline

Press Import Pipeline and you should see it pop up under your pipelines.

Now go into the settings at the right side and press Create Run to create a new run of the pipeline you just added.

create run
  • Use these settings:

    • Name:

      Process Claim Run
    • Run type:

      Run once immediately after creation
    • claim_id:

    • detection_endpoint:


This is the same route to the object detection endpoint that was used earlier in the workshop.
When done it should look something like this:

run settings

Note that by changing claim_id you can change which claim to process. If you set it to 0 it will process all unprocessed claims.

Press Create and watch it go.

Check the results

After the pipeline has finished running, you can go to the app and take a look at the claims.
Instead of just a long body, you will now see a summary, a location field, an accident time field, and a sentiment field.
You can also see that we have new image(s) which have bounding boxes where the damage is.