Overall Approach As part of this prototype, we investigated the use of the YOLOv8 model. This model can be found online at yolov8 and downloaded. We will first review its out-of-the-box capabilities. We will then fine-tune it to allow it to do more specialized work for us. Once we have a new, customized version of the model, we will deploy it in OpenShift AI Model Serving. Once that is done, we will send queries to it. Let’s start by looking at a YOLOv8 model and explore how it works on static car images. In your running workbench, navigate to the folder insurance-claim-processing/lab-materials/04. Look for (and open) the notebook called 04-01-over-approach.ipynb Execute the cells of the notebook, and ensure you understand what is happening 3.6 Sanity-check pipeline 4.2 Car recognition