Creating your project and pipeline server

As a preliminary step, each of you is going to

  1. Create a Data Science project

    • this will help keep your things together

  2. Create a Data Connection

    • we need that for the pipeline server to store its artifacts

  3. Deploy a Data Science Pipeline Server

    • we will need one, and it’s better to create it from the start

  4. Launch a Workbench

    • we will use it to review content and notebooks

  5. Clone the git repo into your Workbench

    • this contains all the code from the prototype

The instructions below will guide you through these steps. Follow them carefully.

Create a project

  • First, in the OpenShift AI Dashboard application, navigate to the Data Science Projects menu on the left:

    02 02 ds proj nav
  • Create a project with the same name as your user id

    • You have been assigned a unique user ID: userX

    • You need to now create a project with the exact same name: userX

      Your assigned user is userX. Don’t mess that up or things will break later on
  • Leave the resource name unchanged

  • Optionally, enter your first and last name in the description of the project.

  • It should look like this:

    02 02 create project
    It should NOT be userX like in the screenshot. (for you, X should be a number instead)

Create a Data Connection for the pipeline server

  • We have deployed an instance of Minio in the cluster to act as a simple Object Storage for our purposes.

  • You will need to Add data connection that points to it.

    02 02 add dc
  • Here is the information you need to enter:

    • Name:

      Shared Minio - pipelines
    • Access Key:

    • Secret Key:

    • Endpoint:

    • Region:

    • Bucket:

      Once again, the bucket you will use has to match with the user ID you were provided
  • The result should look like:

    data connection

Create a Pipeline Server

It is highly recommended to create your pipeline server before creating a workbench. So let’s do that now!

  • In your Data Science Project (DSP), click on Create a pipeline Server

    02 02 pipelineserver01
  • Select the Data Connection created earlier (Shared Minio - pipelines) and click the Configure button:

    02 02 pipelineserver02
  • When your pipeline server is ready, your screen will look like the following:

    02 02 pipelineserver03

At this point, your pipeline server is ready and deployed.

You need to wait until that screen is ready. If it’s still spinning, wait for it to complete. If you continue and create your workbench before the pipeline server is ready, your workbench will not be able to submit pipelines to it.