Validating the environment

Now that you are connected to your workbench, let’s make sure that all the expected services are responding properly in the cluster.

In your workbench:

  1. In the left hand navigation menu, navigate to the folder called: insurance-claim-processing/lab-materials/02

  2. Open the notebook called 02-04-validating.ipynb

  3. If you have never executed Cells in a Jupyter Notebook before, here is what you need to do:

    1. Click on the Restart kernel and Run all Cells link:

      02 04 restart and run
    2. Click Restart :

      02 04 restart kernel
  4. Running these cells will confirm that all the lab-required services are responding.

The output should look as follows:

Success: Minio is reachable on minio.ic-shared-minio.svc.cluster.local:9000
Success: Gitea is reachable on gitea.gitea.svc.cluster.local:3000
Success: Postgres Database is reachable on claimdb.ic-shared-db.svc.cluster.local:5432
Success: LLM Service is reachable on llm.ic-shared-llm.svc.cluster.local:3000
Success: ModelMesh is reachable on modelmesh-serving.ic-shared-img-det.svc.cluster.local:8033

If the output of this notebook looks suspicious, please inform the people leading the lab.

Overall view

This is a summarized visualization of how the environment is laid out.

ic eng diag.drawio