Creating a workbench

Launch a Workbench

  • Once the Data Connection and Pipeline Server are fully created

  • Create a workbench

    02 03 create wb
  • Make sure it has the following characteristics:

    • Choose a name for it, like: My Workbench

    • Image Selection: CUSTOM - Insurance Claim Processing Lab Workbench

    • Container Size: Standard

    • Accelerator: None

  • That should look like:

    02 02 launch workbench 01
  • You should not need to modify any other Workbench settings (such as Storage)

  • Wait for your workbench to be fully started

  • Once it is, click the Open Link to connect to it.

    02 03 open link
  • Authenticate with the same credentials as earlier

  • You will be asked to accept the following settings:

    02 02 accept
  • Do so

  • You should now see this:

    02 02 jupyter

Git-Clone the common repo

We will clone the content of our Git repo so that you can access all the materials that were created as part of our prototyping exercise.

  • Using the Git UI:

    • Open the Git UI in Jupyter:

      git clone 1
    • Enter the URL of the Git repo:
      git clone 2

At this point, your project is ready for the work we want to do in it.