Deploying the application via GitOps Deploy the application(s) via GitOps We are going to use OpenShift GitOps/ArgoCD to deploy the application in your namespace. Access the ArgoCD Console by clicking on the link in the top right menu. Click on "Log in via OpenShift" to log in with your credentials. Once logged in, you will be redirected to the ArgoCD Console. In the "Applications" tab, click on "Create Application". On the top right corner of the panel that opened, click on "Edit as YAML". Copy the content of the following text, paste it in the editor (replace the default content), then click on "Save". apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: claim-insurance-app-userX spec: destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: userX project: project-userX source: path: lab-materials/05/app repoURL: targetRevision: main-rhoai-2.13 syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: false syncOptions: [CreateNamespace=false] Back on the form view, click on "Create". The Application will start deploying. You can click on the Card to see the details. After a few seconds, all the elements will be deployed, and the Application will report as "Healthy" and "Synced". You can now access the application at the following URL: Open the the URL in your browser to access the application and head to the next step. 5.1 Application overview 5.4 Validating the application