Car recognition Introduction In our last notebook we confirmed that the YOLO model could identify cars in a photograph. We discovered that YOLO is able to detect multiple cars in an image. However, we did not see which cars were identified. In the above image, the yolo model identified 17 cars and 1 truck. Therefore we need to write some code that will draw boxes around the cars identified by the YOLO model. (Optional) Detailed code and execution If you want to dig deeper into this section, follow the instructions below. If you are pressed for time, you can skip to the next section. In your running workbench, navigate to the folder parasol-insurance/lab-materials/04. Look for (and open) the notebook called 04-02-car-recognition.ipynb Execute the cells of the notebook, and ensure you understand what is happening 4.1 Overall Approach 4.3 Model retraining (Optional)