Running a script to install local object storage buckets and create data connections For convenience, we are providing a script that will: create a minio instance in your project create 2 buckets in that minio instance generate a random user id and password for your minio instance create 2 Data Connections in your data science project one for each bucket both using the same credentials This script is based on a quick tutorial for installing Minio (available here). In addition it will install some necessary network policies for service mesh functionality. Prerequisite You must know the OpenShift resource name for your data science project so that you run the provided script in the correct project. To get the project’s resource name: In the OpenShift AI dashboard, select Data Science Projects click the ? icon next to the project name A text box appears with information about the project, including its resource name: Make sure to note that resource name Procedure In the OpenShift AI dashboard, click the application launcher icon and then select the OpenShift Console option. In the OpenShift console, click + in the top navigation bar. Select your project from the list of projects. Verify that you selected the correct project. (In the next step you will import the YAML) Copy the following code and paste it into the Import YAML editor. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: demo-setup --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: demo-setup-edit roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: edit subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: demo-setup --- apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: create-s3-storage spec: selector: {} template: spec: containers: - args: - -ec - |- echo -n 'Setting up Minio instance and data connections' oc apply -f command: - /bin/bash image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/tools:latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: create-s3-storage restartPolicy: Never serviceAccount: demo-setup serviceAccountName: demo-setup Click Create. Verification You should see a "Resources successfully created" message and the following resources listed: demo-setup demo-setup-edit create s3-storage 2.3 Data Science Projects 2.5 Enable Pipelines