Downloading an Open Source LLM First we need to download the Google Flan model from Huggingface and then store it in our S3 bucket for the model server to access. We will use a workbench and the data connection that you created in the Storage Data Connections section.. Prerequisites You created the data connection My Storage. You added the My Storage data connection to your workbench. Procedure First, let’s navigate to the relevant notebooks. Navigate to test-drive/llm In your notebook environment, open the file 1_download_save.ipynb Follow the instructions directly in the notebook. The instructions will guide you through the process of downloading the model from Huggingface and then uploading it to your models bucket. Verification When you have completed the notebook instructions, you should see files listed in the directory/prefix: models/flan-t5-small models/flan-t5-small/ models/flan-t5-small/config.json models/flan-t5-small/flax_model.msgpack models/flan-t5-small/generation_config.json models/flan-t5-small/model.safetensors models/flan-t5-small/pytorch_model.bin models/flan-t5-small/special_tokens_map.json models/flan-t5-small/spiece.model models/flan-t5-small/tf_model.h5 models/flan-t5-small/tokenizer.json models/flan-t5-small/tokenizer_config.json 4. Generative AI 4.2 Deploy the Model